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Livingbridge sells Habit Health to Five V Capital

  • Related sector Healthcare & education
  • Investment status Realised
  • Related company Habit Health

Livingbridge announces the successful exit of its investee, Habit Health (“Habit”) as they receive new investment from Five V Capital. The transaction represents the sixth exit for the 2016 vintage fund, Livingbridge 6.

Founded in 2002, Habit is a leading provider of integrated rehabilitation and mental health services in New Zealand. We invested in Habit in 2018, the second investment out of our Australian office and have played an active role alongside management in successfully developing and growing the business. Habit experienced rapid growth during our investment, with employee numbers increasing from 285 at the time of our initial investment to 877 today. Over the past six years we have supported the team through ten acquisitions, extending both their breadth of service offering and giving Habit a national presence. Our Data & Analytics team also supported Habit to implement a data insight platform, which is used extensively throughout the business.

Livingbridge Investor, William Bajraszewski commented: “We’re delighted with what the Habit team has accomplished since we invested in 2018, successfully bolstering their service offering through M&A and strengthening and growing the team. We wish them all the best in this next phase of growth alongside Five V Capital.

Ben Teusse, CEO at Habit Health said “We have greatly enjoyed working with Livingbridge during what has been a period of exciting growth for Habit. They were an excellent partner to the management team in helping us accelerate the execution of our growth plan.